
ARISE Grand Show


Cameron (vocal soloist)

Light (vocal soloist)

Muse (vocal soloist)

Time (vocal soloist)

Flying Trapeze Act

Russian Swing Act

Ballet of the Palast

Direction Alexandra Georgieva

Show-Band of the Palast

Direction Daniel Behrens


Daniel Behrens
Tobias Leppert
Sebastian Brand

Creative team

Author & director

Music Supervisor & Musical Director

Choreographic Supervisor

Costume design


Simon Crowhurst

Art Direction Photography

Styling Photography & Additional Designs for Scene ‚Photoshooting‘ & ‚The Legacy‘ (Preshow)

Kooperation Kostüm Konzept (Szenen ,Demons’, Love of Light’ ,Arise- Finale’)

Stevie Stewart

Stage design

Lighting design

Sound design

Illusion Design


Assistenz Eric Gauthier

Luis Sayago Alonso

Assistenz Ohad Naharin

Ian Robinson

Assistenz Nikeata Thompson

Manuel Neubauer & Jouana Samia

Assistenz Ashley Wallen

Jenny Marie Macdade

Acrobatic Choreographer

Creator of Shadow Play

Comedy Consulting

Production Stage Manager

Steffen Liebsch

Technische Produktionsleitung

Lina Baden
Nils Lunow


Matthias Schoeffmann


Kevin Engelmann
Martin Wagner

Video Engineering

Matt Finke

Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-02-12 21:19:49 | 1739395189

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