

A tremendous show, perhaps the most opulent in Europe!


Gushing fountains and glittering mythical creatures


A splendid premiere


Revue glamour


A revival – and what a revival!

Berliner Kurier

World-class artistry and fast-paced dance routines

Berliner Kurier

The dancing has never been so good

Berliner Kurier

Not only the story is captivating, but also the interplay of music, dance and artistry.

Berliner Morgenpost

‘Arise’ could be the motto for the Friedrichstadt-Palast itself, which arises from the pandemic-caused hiatus like a colourful and multifaceted modern-day phoenix.

Berliner Morgenpost

The beautiful underwater world with glistening fountains and fantastical creatures is an absolute highlight.

Berliner Morgenpost

Acrobatics from another world

Berliner Morgenpost

You can hardly get enough of the colourful images and sophisticated lighting design.

Berliner Morgenpost

So much rejoicing has rarely been heard in a theatre.

Berliner Morgenpost

Frivolous, explosive – one big party

Berliner Morgenpost

A fantastic revue featuring absolutely everything a revue entails, through to the brilliant finale.

Berliner Morgenpost

Totally rocks

Berliner Morgenpost

Breathtaking tableaux on the world’s biggest show stage

Berliner Morgenpost

Rousing choreographies

Berliner Morgenpost

A flurry of colours and figures

Berliner Zeitung

Two eyes aren’t enough to take in everything going on at the same time on this football field-sized stage.

Berliner Zeitung



With joyous voice and exhilarating, life and love-affirming spectacle, ARISE stands loud and proud.

Daily Express, London

The most spectacular show in Europe!

Daily Express, London

Arise Grand Show doesn't just boast glitter and glamour, it has a powerful and heartfelt message for our times.

Daily Express, London

My jaw hit the floor at the dazzling whirl of aerialists, trapeze artists, gold-clad showgirls, waterfalls, 14 fountains, an eight-metre geyser and a central pool that holds 160,000 litres of water each night and then smoothly turns back into a main stage glittering with dancers and musicians. Don't forget the huge central, circular stage which rises, revolves and tilts throughout the night in a mighty feat of hydraulic engineering.

Daily Express, London

One of the best productions in the recent history of Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast.

Der Tagesspiegel

Fountains shoot up in a thousand different formations, almost like those outside the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas

Der Tagesspiegel

Too much of everything at the same time – that’s how revue works. The Friedrichstadt-Palast is the last institution in the world that still cultivates the most escapist of all art forms in the eye-watering opulence that made it the epitome of the ‘Golden Twenties’.

Der Tagesspiegel

More focused than usual, more tasteful and, yes, even a little serious.

Der Tagesspiegel

Real Hollywood glamour

Der Tagesspiegel

A bombastic light show

Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Finally, there’s glitter and confetti, light and stage pomp again


A feast for the senses


On a par with Broadway


If you want to be amazed until you hardly know where to look next with excitement, ARISE at Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast is the place to go. Show time! This revue really is a cracker of a show.


A paradisical pas de deux


The artistry is breathtaking


A ravishing production

Kensington and Chelsea Review

During the pandemic, the theatre owned by the state of Berlin commits to a “Feel Safe” promise. This includes security concepts and a flexible rebooking option. What’s more, according to the theatre, you’ll automatically receive a refund if the show has to be cancelled.

The Friedrichstadt-Palast is really going all out in 2021.

Moments of reflection and pure joy for life

Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

Grand emotions

Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

The Palast as the public knows and loves it.

Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

An opulent flying visit to Las Vegas

Märkische Oderzeitung


OE24, Austria


OE24, Austria

A whole new league

Radio Paradiso

The shadow play brought tears to my eyes.

Radio Paradiso

Revue redefined

Radio Paradiso

Absolutely justified standing ovations

Radio Paradiso

A grand re-opening


The absolute finest


A must for all those in the mood for a fantastic evening


Visuals and music on a grand scale


The group dance scenes are fantastic.

rbb Kultur

People shout with excitement like I’ve never heard before.

rbb Kultur

The theatre is back and shows what it is capable of.

rbb Kultur

Cannot be weighed in gold

Süddeutsche Zeitung

What goes on in the monumental entertainment temple, one of the last remaining relics from the GDR, is quite unique and has certainly earned it the attribute of ‘world-class’.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

There is no bigger show, not even in New York.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

The entire thing is a crazy affair that will take your breath away, especially if you’ve never seen it before.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Spectacular design

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Fantastical costumes of exquisite extravagance

Süddeutsche Zeitung

It’s eye-watering.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

The highlights also include the most beautiful hand shadow theatre ever

Süddeutsche Zeitung


Süddeutsche Zeitung

The biggest ‘stars’ of the show: the unique ballet ensemble that performs fantastic choreographies in sexy costumes and the water basin that shoots up fountains again after an eight-year hiatus.


Fantastic plays of colour and opulent images


A radiantly beautiful performance that instils both delight and hope, whose €11 million costs should by all means be perceptible.


It’s darker, more melancholic, more serious, but of course rises unerringly as a glistening phoenix from the sorrowful ashes of the memories from the past 18 months of the pandemic.


Chic, spectacular and forever surprising.


With overwhelming confidence, the audience is lifted from its seats.


Time and time again, Stefano Canulli’s costumes are revealed in all their glory, their fantasy, but also their minimalism. Everything seems more abstract, more purposeful, more serious even.


It’s exactly what we need right now. Carefree light-hearted entertainment, the fun of the now, the joy of opulence, the now-more-than-ever attitude drummed into the sparkling Palast floor.


Berlin, nothing can stop us! At least not in this unique self-confident glamour theatre.


Beauty and glamour, classy costumes


Life has returned to the Palast. ARISE is a wake-up call from the world’s biggest theatre stage!


Recommended by 98% of reviewers

Recommended by 96% of reviewers

"Certificate of Excellence
Winner 2012–2023"

Germany’s best-rated show theatre*

*Based on the total number of 5-star reviews.

2025-01-23 09:30:26 | 1737624626

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